

Make A Difference.

Since Arizona Youth Alive began in 2017, we’ve seen hundreds of students come to know Jesus on campuses all over the state. Our sole objective is to continue to bring the hope of Jesus to every student in every school. We are only able to do this through the generosity of individuals and churches who give faithfully. You can make a difference in a students life! You can help bring the Gospel to lost and broken students! Would you consider supporting Youth Alive, and together we can make a difference?

You can support Youth Alive, with a recurring gift or a one time donation.

You can choose to support Yoyo (Director), Megan (Assistant Director), our Network Associates (MarLissa, Nadia, & Skylar), or give to the General Fund at the links below.

All giving is tax deductible

Support can also be given by mail to 2601 E Thomas Rd Ste 210, Phoenix AZ 85016

Make Checks out to Arizona Ministry Network, with either Yoyo Garcia, Megan Kronstedt, or Youth Alive in the memo

 Go to site, and choose “Youth Alive” in the drop down.